Norfolk Island is a low tax haven. A multitude of shops stock designer and brand name apparel and accessories from all over the world. Cameras, knives, porcelain, perfume, cookware: you name it, it is on Norfolk Island for up to half the cost you can buy it on mainland Australia.
Locals assured me that people from Sydney and Brisbane often do shopping weekends to Norfolk Island. Thank goodness someone can afford to buy those expensive brands because even at 50% less, I could not afford anything. I'm not a brand shopper and
I hate shopping. The only store on Norfolk Island that did well out of me was the craft store.
Sculpey Clay was $1.50 cheaper than I have been buying it at
Spotlight. I bought up big in expectation that we'll be doing
more clay work.
Fresh milk though...surely with cows having right of way on Norfolk Island there must also be a cheap supply of the gorgeous white stuff. WRONG.
NEVER buy fresh milk on Norfolk Island. Husband, an accountant, kept the receipt because he knew nobody would believe we paid $5.86 for a litre of milk. Flown in from New Zealand, it seems the locals forgot to tell us that anything air freighted is really only done so for the unsuspecting tourist - US.
Enjoy the low tax shopping but consider drinking UHT or powdered milk perhaps!